Tuesday, 2 October 2012

C#, F# Algorithm: Faster than QuickSort Extended?

Status: Completed
Competition start date: 2012.10.03
Competition end date: 2012.10.16

Please make sure to read the Welcome page for general competition guidelines.
If you would like to participate in this competition please register an account on vWorker.com


The purpose of this competition is exactly the same as the one found here. So please read the details there. The only thing that has changed is the benchmark data, which is now a lot more realistic.

In order to participate in this competition you will need to download, clone or fork the Orcomp library on github, and work on the "FasterThanQuicksortExtended" branch.

Your code has to pass all the unit tests and the benchmark data is already in place. All you need to to is implement the GetSortedDateTimes() method in Orcomp\Extensions\DateRanceCollectionExtensions.cs file.

Once you are finished please only submit your implemented method GetSortedDateTimes() on vWorker.


- There are none, as long as your code passes the unit test, it is a matter of coming up with the fastest implementation.
- All LINQ queries must be executed in the method body and cannot be deferred.
- The fastest code wins.
- Each contestant is allowed 5 entries.

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